Friday, June 15, 2012

Drop Dead Healthy (A.J. Jacobs)

This was a book that I both didn't know what to expect and knew what to expect at the same time. A.J. Jacobs, you might have heard of this other books, A Year of living Biblically, and The Know It All, where he takes what he does best (as editor of Esquire Mag) and do experiential journalism.

With Drop Dead Healthy he takes 2 years to go through his body and check out the latest research and studies and philosophies (some are quite 'out there and are dismissed as fads') and try them out all in the name of health and longevity.
On the plus side the guy is amusing. He has a sense of humor (maybe dry at times) but entertaining and he's both a husband and father so he incorporates his family into his writing and I tend to like that sort of thing. He does get through main parts of the body but realistically he couldn't hit every part. I think the main part I missed was the mind. But then again it was a book about the body and organs etc. Not so much emotions and mental health , although stress was a big part of it. He does a decent job keeping it light but that's also it's downfall.
The book basically skims over everything. You get tips but if you watch the news and are even a passive tv watcher of health segments there isn't much you don't already know.

Overall it was interesting and should serve as a reminder of how to keep taking care of yourself. Jacobs goes quite overboard taking everything to the extreme and does point out himself that moderation is important to do too- It just doesn't seem like he will follow his own advice. But maybe that was proving a point and if so, You got me, Jacobs. You got me.

I would recommend it as something to read along side something hefty if you read more than one book at a time. This book complimented my fiction and I will be checking out his other books too.

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